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Designing for users with cognitive disabilities

What to do - and what not to do - when designing for users with cognitive disabilities.

Important information

  • You are currently exploring a website that has not been officially launched yet. If you wish to provide feedback, please don't hesitate to checkout our contact us page.

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Printable posters (PDF format):


  • Let users have control of the contrast and colours on the screen
  • Align text to the left, keep a consistent layout and use a sans-serif font at a min 12pt
  • Keep content short, clear and simple
  • Use images and diagrams to support text and complex ideas
  • Use simple colours and coloured paper like yellow or pink
  • Use multi-modal materials like audio and video


  • Overload the user with too much info at once
  • Write large walls of complex text
  • Use complicated words or figures of speech
  • Increase cognitive load by requiring users to recall into
  • Use bright and contrasting colours stimulation overload
  • Rush users or set short time limits to complete tasks
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